The Social Scene: The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns
Monday, 12 March 2018
by Alice Stewart
Modern technology has had a tremendous impact on the second oldest profession. The media business has become is a 27/4 affair. This can make or break a candidate, nominee, legislation or any public figure. How do those who cover politics, public affairs and breaking news meet the demands of getting the story right while also
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Flyover Country vs. Coastal Elites
Monday, 12 March 2018
by Alice Stewart
The fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and President Trump won the Electoral College raised a great deal of concern about the process. How do those in “Flyover Country” keep their voices heard against the “Coastal Elites?” Clearly those in the bubbles of Washington DC and New York City did not understand what
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Rule #1 for Communications Pros: KISS- Keep it Simple Stupid
Monday, 12 March 2018
by Alice Stewart
Any communications professional will tell you that the best way to convey your message is to keep it short and concise, in other words: “Keep it Simple Stupid.” Take it from the experts: James Carville said it best: “It’s the economy, stupid.” President Obama promised “Hope and Change.” Hillary Clinton said we are “Stronger together.”
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Fake News vs. Real News: Is it a Distinction without a Difference?
Monday, 12 March 2018
by Alice Stewart
Freedom of the press is a valuable tool. The Fourth Estate refers to the watchdog role of the press, which keeps the three branches of government in check. The problem comes with the rise of Fake News, which is meant to influence voters based on false information. What are the risks and rewards of media
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The Trump Presidency: No More Politics as Usual
Monday, 12 March 2018
by Alice Stewart
From the moment Donald J. Trump rode down the escalator to announce his candidacy for president, American politics would never be the same. Age-old traditions of the primary process and general election would be thrown out the window. Social media took over and election etiquette took a hit in the process. After a grueling, brass-knuckle
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The Elephant in the Room: President Donald J Trump
Saturday, 10 March 2018
by Alice Stewart
America is in a period of great division; between political parties and within them. President Trump is not just the leader of the country, but of the Republican Party. As we saw with the fight to pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, there are warring factions in the GOP. Will moderate conservatives, establishment
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